
chaumont-sur-loire concept

The image to the left show an impression of what my proposal might look like.

It show a stone wall dividing the two halves, at the beginning of the festival. The unattended half is located to the left, and the perfect lawn is situated to the right. The public are permitted to have a look inside the shed in the inner half, where the owner keeps all his tools for maintaining the lawn. On the wall the fertilising and mowing scheme will be on display.

The characters in the above montage are a dog I met in New Milton, Hampshire, a running boy captured in Parc d'Atlantique in Paris, Iain in our course and Geir Gravelseter who works for Meland Golfklubb, here shown busy mowing the lawn. The big sky was captured at Ustaoset in Norway. Photoshop is wonderful!


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